Reg soccer begins for players turning age 10 ("U11") through age 18 ("U19") by December 31st. Players start to play at a more competitive level with focus on higher level skill development and game play.
Uniforms: Uniforms are included in the registration costs. Two jerseys (one black and one green), black shorts, and green socks. The only items that are not included and have to be purchased by the parent are cleats and shin guards. Cleats need to be soccer cleats and not have a cleat near the tip of the toes like those on baseball cleats.
Team Formation: Coaches should get team rosters by the end of June but almost always by late July. For U11 and U12 players, there are 9 field players (including a goal keeper). For U13 through U19 players, there are 11 players (including a goal keeper).
Age Groups: Teams are formed based upon age. The cutoff date for determining age is Dec 31st. For example U11 means "Under 11", and no child on the team or on the other team will be 11 years old or older and almost all the kids will be 10 years old, although those with October, November, December birthdays might be 9.
Gender: Teams are formed by gender and play teams of the same gender. On rare occasions and at the parent's request, the club may place a girl on a boy's team but this decision is made on a decision by decision basis.
Practices: Practices usually start the first week of August and usually go until late October. Practice days, times, frequency, and location are decided mostly by the coaches. The coach is the primary person volunteering their time and effort, so we let them have a lot of leeway. Normally, coaches will have practices twice a week (Mon & Wed or Tue & Thu). Some coaches add in a Friday practice and some even have a Saturday practice until games start. Practices will all be on a South Kitsap School District field.
Game Schedules: Schedules usually are published the day after Labor Day and start the weekend after Labor Day Weekend. Teams might have a few games outside of South Kitsap (Belfair and Central Kitsap) depending on if we have enough teams in that gender and age group.
Game time and Play time: For U11 and U12 players, games consist of two, 30 minute halves. For U13 through U14 players, game play consists of two, 35 minute halves. For U15 through U16 players, games consist of two, 40 minute halves. For U17 through U19 players, games consist of two, 45 minute halves.
Cost: Reg registration fees are $200 for the season. Late registration fee of $25 after July 1st. All fees must be paid before a player is assigned to a team roster.
Soccer Ball: Every player receives a soccer ball with their registration fee. Some coaches hold on to the balls until the end of the season while others pass out the balls at the beginning of the season and it is the player's responsibility to bring the ball to each practice. This is at the coach's discretion.
Coaches: We ALWAYS need more coaches! If you are interested in coaching or being an assistant coach, please let us know by contacting the club's VP of Rec at rec@sksoccer.com